Explore Our Good Conversation & More

Let’s Talk

Join Andy Kin, Chef Kelly Unger, Bill Tucker & Mandee Hammerstein for interviews & conversation about Local Art, History, Seasonal Cooking, Books & more. Features include The Farm To Table Report, WDVR Country, Creative Conversations & Constant Reader

World of Work

Shep Cohen interviews people from all walks of life–workers, authors, entrepreneurs, business owners, organizers, clergy, celebrities…people with big jobs and small–help us get to know what it’s like to walk in another’s shoes. For over 25 years now, Shep has been bringing us the voices of people like you and me, people who try to make a difference in this world however they can.

Anything Goes

Try it, you’re sure to love it!

A staple on WDVR since January of 2003, Anything Goes is your go-to place for 2 hours of spinning cool tunes and havin' a good time. That’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it! ~ Gene M.

Featuring The Backyard Report every Friday at 5pm!

The TGIF Show

Travel back in time to hear music you know and maybe some you don't know from the late 1950's, 1960's and early 1970's. Enjoy learning about the history of the artists and songs and, if you want, test your knowledge by identifying songs and artists during the show. Its all about having fun every Friday from 9AM to 12:00 on the TGIF show with Ted and Craig.

Into the Garden

A locally grown show about how gardens can not only nourish the body, but the mind and soul as well. With Carl Molter & Phil Getty.

The 11 O’Clock Number

You got a ticket to explore the musical theater landscape every Thursday from 11a-12p on WDVR. From the Classic to the Contemporary, come celebrate the magic & joy of Broadway & Beyond!

Every Tuesday, Rich Kazimir provides the insights & information to keep you up-to-date & protected in today’s complex tech landscape.

Technology Today provides insight into Big Tech, that will help you make sense of your computer and smart phone, and prepare you for the changing tide of technology coming your way.  You will also learn how to protect yourself from many of the technology related scams.

Constant Reader with Scott Sheldon

Scott Sheldon’s “The Constant Reader” is a book-recommendation segment on “Let’s Talk.” In each session of “The Constant Reader,” Scott recommends four books on a single theme. Scott may recommend his favorite books from famous River Towns authors, books about booze, gardening books, or the latest music biographies.

Many of us live in WDVR Country but do we really know where we live? Join Bill Tucker on the first Monday of the month on Let's Talk as he explores where we live and what there is to love about WDVR Country.