Constant Reader with Scott Sheldon

Scott Sheldon’s “The Constant Reader” is a book-recommendation segment on “Let’s Talk.” In each session of “The Constant Reader,” Scott recommends four books on a single theme. Scott may recommend his favorite books from famous River Towns authors, books about booze, gardening books, or the latest music biographies.

You can listen to archived show from the past two weeks on our Archive Page under Let’s Talk and explore even more below!

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About Scott Sheldon

Scott has been a trial lawyer and adjunct law professor for the past 40 years, most recently with a large New York City firm. He created and produced The Sanctuary Concerts, was a music reviewer for SingOut! Magazine and has a side gig creating book indexes for legal and scholarly book publishers. Many, many copies of his CD of purportedly funny songs, “Tickle,” are still available.

Scott and his wife live in the canal hamlet of Uhlerstown, Pennsylvania, a short walk across the bridge from Frenchtown. He enjoys walking and biking along the Delaware Canal towpath that runs alongside their home, practices yoga and mindfulness meditation, and hopes to retire from law soon and resume learning jazz piano.